kalyaniawf@gmail.com |  11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.


Animal rehabilitation center

Fourteen Years of Dedicated Animal Welfare Activities

Kalyani animal welfare foundation is one of the most trusted and one of the most transparent NGOs in India, dedicated towards the rehabilitation of destitute dogs, who have either been rescued from streets or have been disowned by their families. The rehabilitation center currently houses more than one hundred and fifty old, handicapped, orphaned, paralyzed, sick with critical diseases like cancer, liver/kidney failure etc. as well as aggressive dogs.

Destitute Dogs Need Your Support - Get Involved

Donate or Raise Funds for the SPECIAL CARE UNIT

Special Care unit

Goldie is about 14 years old, blind dog with neurological disorders. He needs extra love, extra nurishment, special food and supplements and medical attention because of his disabilities. Like Goldie, our Special Care Unit has several other dogs who are either suffering from age related ailments, critical illness like organ failures, cancers etc., or are handicapped, paralyzed or motherless orphans.

This Special Care Unit needs your financial support. Any amount will help in a big way for these dogs to live and thrive.

Volunteer or Get Associated

Volunteer with our activities

We are always open to the good association of people to support our different accivities and programmes. If you are an animal lover and are freshly graduated professionals like Vetenarians or Para-vets, and have a few hours in a week to chip-in for some charitable purpose, we have some offers for you.

If you are a student, fresh graduate, professionals or housewives and if you have some free time to dedicate for animal welfare, we have both off-line and online assignments for you.

Animal Welfare Board of India
(Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of )ndia)
Recognition Code Number: ND 052/2019

Niti Ayog Unique ID: DL/2018/0190289

FCRA (Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India) Registration Number : 231661854

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